The Bucket Shop Celebrates 7 Years of No Lost-Time Injuries!

The Bucket Shop is proud to announce a significant milestone: seven consecutive years with no lost-time injuries! This achievement underscores our unwavering commitment to safety, employee well-being, and operational excellence.

Over the past seven years, our dedicated team has consistently adhered to stringent safety protocols, participated in regular training sessions, and fostered a culture where safety is paramount. This collective effort has resulted in a safer working environment, ensuring that every team member returns home safely at the end of each day.

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MineConnect chooses Ross Woodward as 2023 Hall of Fame inductee

MineConnect – Hall of Fame

The leaders in the mining supply and service industry have proven that mining is only as efficient and productive as the quality of products and services provided from mining supply companies. Over 400 Northern Ontario mining supply and service companies can boast of their historical influence in mining camps worldwide and their significant employment opportunities for skilled personnel making this sector larger in number than all direct mining and refining jobs in Northern Ontario. Making this all happen are industry managers and leaders who have improved their craft and management skills and have created a major industrial sector that is recognized globally.

Continue reading » MineConnect chooses Ross Woodward as 2023 Hall of Fame inductee